Friday, October 21, 2011

Great medical article about the effects of music lessons on a child later in life

I found this article in webmd- a few things I have changed my mind on is early learners, while I've never advocated pre readers to jump into full time lessons I think this study may prove my theory wrong. Still keep in mind pre readers progress slower but the benefits are there for sure!

And what a neat concept that the lessons you are sacrificing for now will benefit them in their senior adult lives!

Monday, April 18, 2011

April Composer- Woody Guthrie

Finally a Guitarist Composer. Can I hear an amen?

I love Woody for several reasons....1. He's an Oklahoman 2. He wrote the songs of a people, a generation in hard times 3. He wasn't wealthy and showy as most modern musicians, he lived simply, he sang because to not sing was just not gonna happen

He was not the best singer.
He smoked, not a healthy choice.
He died young. in his 50's
He wrote ALOT of songs....

You tube songs....

Look for this painting if you visit the capitol building in OKC

And click here to learn more about the Woody Guthrie Festival in July

Sunday, April 17, 2011

I love my Students!

I am a big note writer, this is my list of student playing last saturday at the Stephens Co. Music Teachers Association's Spring Festival.

When I got home Tuesday someone had written me a little note on the top....

It made my year~

Friday, February 18, 2011

February Composer- Scott Joplin

in honor of African American History month-

Scott Joplin- 
born mid century 1800's outside Texarkana (making him the closest composer geographically to us)

was given FREE lessons and took advantage of it

named the father of ragtime

wrote lots of music, mostly played first then put on paper, had a huge hand width, that's why a lot of the orginal music has huge intervals in the left hand

He music is fun and lively and continues to be a favorite among piano students

link to Bailey Bowman performing the Entertainer

fun trivia about Joplin

a radio show to listen to about Joplin

homeschool or extra printable activities 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

January Composer- Chopin

Chopin was an interesting man.

He wrote strictly for the piano.

He died early and was buried in Paris but his heart was taken back to Poland, the land of his birth. Literally they sent it back!

Here's my college piano professor at Chopin's grave in France...

a good kid friendly link

don't forget to check out the activities/games on there, there's a great note reader game!

And the song of the month, one I'm memorizing currently....Prelude in A Maj