I set this up for my beloved students and their wonderful parents. I am so blessed to be able to work with ya'll. I am going to keep information, notes of interest and video of my students on here, and any family member or friend can view it. Cool huh!
Upcoming Recitals..
Jessica Suttles is performing for the Stephens County Music Teachers on
May 8 th at 7pm in Duncan. If you'd like to attend this performance you can ride with me to Duncan or I'll give you the address. She'll play a couple of songs and we'll serve cake afterward to celebrate her accomplishment. Jessica is my longest running student, I've had her 5 years! She'll do a wonderful job next week.
End of the Year Recital May 20 tues night at 6pm. All of my students will be playing/singing/strumming. Parents are to bring a covered dish for a potluck, sounds yummy, huh. Location kingdom Kids room at Velma Baptist Church. Let me know if you can't attend. I'll be handing out some awards that night.
Lessons will continue throughout the whole month of May, feel free to come as usually the last week even though school is out. And this summer I'll be giving lessons at request free of charge as a thank you for supporting me this year through our many transitions. Be sure to come see me when you're not vacationing or relaxing.